New Community Preservation Committee kicks off in February 2019!

Swearing in of the new Community Preservation Committee is Thursday 2/21 at 7PM  at Town Hall in the Richard E. Mastrangelo Council Chamber on the 2nd floor. Come celebrate their first meeting kickoff, since Watertown voters adopted the Community Preservation Act. Stayed tuned for future meetings. Our Watertown CPC is comprised of nine members, with renewable terms possible.

Susan Steele, Historical Commission member & designee (2 yrs to Feb. 1, 2021); 

Maria Rose, Conservation Commission member & designee (2 yrs to Feb. 1, 2021); 

Jason Cohen, Planning Board member & designee (1 yr to Feb. 1, 2020); 

Allen Gallagher, Housing Authority member & designee (3 yrs to Feb. 1, 2022); 

Bob Dirico, like-Parks Commissioner appointment, DPW Parks Supervisor and resident (3 yrs to Feb. 1, 2022);

   And four resident at-large member appointments:

Jonathan Bockian (3 yrs), Dennis Duff (1 yr), Mark Kraczkiewicz (1 yr), Elodia Thomas (2 yrs).