Read about the progress made with Resilient Watertown working group, and sign up to stay in touch and share your ideas on developing the action plan. Visit Reach out with comments or ideas to
It's easy to Opt Up to 100% Renewable Green for electricity
Call 1-866-968-8065 and ask to opt up for the 100% Renewable Green Option; you will need your Eversource account number. Or sign up online at your-option
Electricity Choice Aggregation Launches in September
July 10, 2019, Town of Watertown, MA – The Town of Watertown announced that it has entered into a contract to buy electricity for the Watertown Electricity Choice program, which will launch in September 2019.
Watertown Electricity Choice is a municipal electricity aggregation, which is a group buy program for electricity supply. Massachusetts State law allows cities and towns to aggregate electricity customers within their borders and select an electricity supplier on behalf of those customers, rather than having Eversource buy their electricity. Municipal aggregations are heavily regulated by the State and offer many consumer protections not available with private for-profit programs.
See PDF for Complete details, or go online to
Electrical Aggregation Moves Forward
Town Council votes to proceed with the Watertown Electricity Choice Program, identifying a min. goal of 50% total local renewable generation for the Default Green Rate.
FEMA Approves Hazard Mitigation Plan
In 2018 the Town Council Joint Committee of Public Safety with Public Works and the full Council moved forward with updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Grant funding is anticipated to help develop a Climate Action Plan through Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness planning in 2020.
Neighborhood Solar
Learn about a 20 percent discount on solar photovoltaics, and a 14 percent discount on solar hot water! To request a free evaluation and proposal, email or call (617) 500-3938.
Read moreClimate Action Resolution by Town Council
Yay! On January 8, 2019 we passed a Resolution toward creating a Climate Action Plan and Transition to 100% Renewable Energy for Watertown! Excerpt:
New Solar Energy requirement and town-wide LEED standards
On November 27, 2018 we adopted solar requirements per ordinance -the first in the state. Our Zoning Ordinance now requires solar energy (photovoltaics) to be installed on a new Special Permit building with 10,000 square feet of commercial or industrial usage, or residential units of 10 or more, to cover 50% of the roof and 90% of the garage space, or a ground mounted or roof top system.
Town Council also extended LEED Silver Certifiability requirements to new large projects throughout Watertown, from the previous requirement initially limited to RMUD zoning.
Updated ordinance on single-use plastic bag reduction
We improved our “bring your own bag” ordinance to actively encourage a reduction in plastic bag use, and unanimously voted to adopt the changes on September 25, 2018, which will take effect on March 1, 2019. See Chapter 115 change in definitions and requirements, of the Single-Use Plastic Bag Reduction ordinance, originally passed June 7, 2016. Link to proposed language for Ch 115.
Community Choice Aggregation, electricity
TC voted unanimously in support of planning for CCA on 9/26/17 and we anticipate implementation approx. Oct 2018-March 2019, which fits the typical 12-18 (or even 24) mos timeframe.
View 9/12/17 TC minutes, for comments and Presentation by our Energy Manager Ed Lewis:
“Working with the Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee to offer greener electric supply to residents.
• Community Choice Aggregation
• Greener electric supply – reduces Town’s carbon footprint
• Enables additional green generation in Mass
• Provides price stability”
Also online is the full Community Choice Aggregation presentation along with some background info.
Additional Recycle Toter Available to Residents
An additional toter for recycling (1 per unit) may be purchased from Public Works for $90 -reduced from $180. The toter will be delivered to your home. Call DPW (617) 972-6420 for more info. Town Council approved a new 5-year contract with Republic Services, effective July 1, 2017.
Compost Bins may be purchased at Public Works for $40. You must call DPW at (617) 972-6420 to schedule 24 hours notice, prior to pick up -cash, check or money order only; debit cards are not accepted.
Rain Barrels may be purchased at Public Works for $65, along with an added drain pipe diverter for $16 would cost a total $81. The diverter purchase is optional. Rain Barrels help reduce runoff!
I Propose Climate Action Planning
At the top of my list of Recommendations for Policy Guidelines, submitted in October 2016 for FY2018 (July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018) is: Create a new Climate Action Plan for Watertown to address climate change concerns. A climate action plan would include high-level goals as well as focus areas such as transportation and identify steps to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, parking concerns, retrofits to existing buildings, net zero new construction, energy supply, incentives for green roofs, solar panels, stormwater management improvements, zero waste (litter-free) in public spaces, etc.
New: Watertown Stormwater Ordinance (MS4)
On February 23, 2016 we adopted a new Stormwater Management and Erosion Control ordinance; see Chapter 98 in the Watertown Code.
Stormwater Regulations are covered under Chapter 97, passed by Town Council on May 11, 2011. Read about the MS4 Permit, required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) municipal separate storm water system permits (MS4).
Open Space
The most recent update, to Watertown Open Space & Recreation Plan was adopted April 2015. This should be updated by 2020.
"Where is Watertown's Open Space?
Watertown has beautiful open space along the Charles River, in the reservation owned and managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (Division of Urban Parks and Recreation). We also have the multi-use Arsenal Park, Filippello Park, ten playgrounds throughout Watertown, and the Whitney Hill Conservation Area.
Statement of Purpose
The primary purpose of this plan is to identify Watertown’s open space and recreational resources and produce a consistent policy for Town agencies to ensure that these resources are not lost due to the pressures of development or uncoordinated individual actions. This plan aims to facilitate a consistent policy regarding development and preservation of public and private properties as they collectively comprise Watertown’s open space and recreational system."