2018-19 Council Committee Assignments per President Mark Sideris

Note: the ad hoc Transportation, and Technology committees will not continue in term 2018-19; and Victory Field Phase 2 Committee will complete business in 2019.

I also serve as the Town Council liason to the Commission on Disability..

Public Safety: Feltner, chair; Piccirilli, vice-chair; Palomba, secretary. Considers matters pertaining to the Police, Fire, and Civil Defense departments of the Town.

Rules & Ordinances: Donato, chair; Woodland, vice-chair; Feltner, secretary. Consider the advisability and merit of proposed new ordinances or amendments to current ordinances, including the form and legality thereof; and all related legal matters [such as zoning], together with the Town Attorney [KP Law].

Economic Development, Planning & Housing: Woodland, chair; Feltner, vice-chair; Piccirilli, secretary. Considers matters pertaining to planning, development, redevelopment, zoning, and housing.

State, Federal, & Regional Government: Kounelis, chair; Feltner, vice-chair; Donato, secretary. Considers matters involving the Election Commission and Town Clerk, and to serve as a liaison between the Town and Federal Government and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and its authorities, regional bodies, and political subdivisions.

Media & Public Outreach (new, begins March 2018): Palomba, chair; Feltner, vice-chair; Bays, secretary. Considers options for increased participation in government and for methods to reach out and engage the community. (Created February 13, 2018)

Public Works: Piccirilli, chair; Palomba, vice-chair; Woodland, secretary. Considers matters pertaining to the Department of Public Works, the Conservation Commission, and the Skating Arena.

Budget & Fiscal Oversight: Piccirilli, chair; Kounelis, vice-chair; Woodland, secretary. Considers matters pertaining to the Town Budget and any other fiscal matters referred to it by the Council.

Human Services: Palomba, chair; Bays, vice-chair; Falkoff, secretary. Considers matters pertaining to the Council on Aging, Social Service programs, Veterans Services, Recreation, Public Health, and Libraries.

Education & School System Matters: Falkoff, chair; Donato, vice-chair; Bays, secretary. Considers matters involving the School Department and education generally.

Personnel & Town Organization: Bays, chair; Falkoffi, vice-chair; Kounelis, secretary. Considers matters involving Town personnel, including Civil Service, Town Hall budgetary matters, and proposals for organization or reorganization of Town’s departments and agencies.