Chief Mike Lawn invites residents to register for the free 2019 Watertown Citizen Police Academy, which will run one night a week for 10 weeks from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Applications must be received by Sept. 13, returned to the police station, or send an email to Judy at
As the Watertown Police Department advances its community policing efforts, it is important to have citizen-police interaction and cooperation. One way to accomplish this goal is through an exchange of ideas and education. It is our intention that after completion of this 10 week program, participants will have a better understanding of the police officer’s role in the criminal justice system and an appreciation of the many challenges facing law enforcement in today’s society.
The CPA will include information on such topics as the law, patrol operations, deadly force, arrest procedures, accident and criminal investigation, drugs, crime prevention, community policing and much more.