Boylston Properties Community Meeting #2 for Phase 5 - Building G. Parking is available in the lots behind the hotel.
Review and update the community on the status of Building G located within Arsenal Yards project (former Mall). The purpose of this meeting will be to present and discuss a change in use for the building from Residential to Office/Lab. Building G; as proposed it would contain approximately 156,500 SF of Lab space (a decrease of approximately 31,500 GSF from the approved building included in the MPSP) plus an additional 50+/- below grade parking spaces under the building G footprint. Discussion will include the overall Massing, proposed Design of the Building, Public Access and the buildings location relative to the Charles River, Arsenal Park and Building F.
Developer Contact: Andrew Copelotti at Boylston Properties, (617) 262-4646 ext. 112. Watertown Planning Dept (617) 972-6417.