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Zoning Board of Appeals mtg

  • Richard E. Mastrangelo Council Chamber, Town Hall 149 Main Street, 2nd Floor Watertown, MA 02472 (map)

Melissa Santucci Rozzi, chair; Staff contact: Louise Civetti, (617) 972-6427


Should you have questions regarding the petitions, please contact DCDP Staff at the Planning Office 617-972-6417, or the Zoning Office at 617-972-6427.

The Planning Board meeting is scheduled for December 11 and the Zoning Board is scheduled for December 18, 2019.

28 Nyack Street - ARSEN JANIKIAN, 28 Nyack Street, Watertown, MA 02472 requests the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit Finding, in accordance with Watertown Zoning Ordinance, §4.06(a), Alterations to Non-Conforming Setback, to construct a second floor addition within non-conforming setbacks and increasing non-conforming lot coverage. Located in the “S-6” (Single-Family) Zoning District. ZBA-2019-26

122 Grant Avenue - Bonnie Dirr, 122 Grant Avenue, Watertown, MA 02472, requests the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit Finding in accordance with Watertown Zoning Ordinance §4.06(a) Alterations to Existing Non-Conforming Structures, Lot Coverage, to increase non-conforming lot coverage from 28.1% to 30.7% (previously approved to 28.8% via ZBA-2019-01). Located in the “S-6” (Single-Family) Zoning District. ZBA-2019-28

19 Coolidge Hill Road - Coolidge Hill Owner LLC, 19 Coolidge Hill Road, Watertown, MA 02472, requests the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit in accordance with Watertown Zoning Ordinance §5.01.5(i), 5.05(i), 6.01(f), 9.04, 9.06(b) to construct a new, approximately 73,738 square foot self-storage facility and 1000 s.f. public space all with shared parking. Located in the “I-2” (Industrial) Zoning District. ZBA-2019-29

85 Walnut Street - 10-85 Walnut Owner LLC, 7121 Fairway Drive, Suite 410, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418, requests the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit/Site Plan Review in accordance with Watertown Zoning Ordinance §5.01.3(a), 5.01.5(c&e), 5.05(d), 4.10, 6.01(h), 6.01(f), and 4.11(d) under §9.03 and §9.04 to construct a new 213,500 square foot office/r&d/lab building and associated parking garage with reduced/shadow parking. Located in the “I-3” (Industrial) Zoning District. ZBA-2019-30

101 Walnut Street - New Green Apple Limited Partnership, 125 High Street, Boston MA 02110, requests the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit Amendment in accordance with Watertown Zoning Ordinance §9.04 to amend previously approved control plan and conditions to allow an access easement and parking lot reconfiguration. Located in the “I-3” (Industrial) Zoning District. ZBA-2019-31 (SEE 85 Walnut St for details on the easement and changes)

166 Main Street - Kendall Realty Trust, 118 Main Street, Watertown MA 02472, requests the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit/Site Plan Review in accordance with Watertown Zoning Ordinance §5.01.1(k), 6.01(f) (reduced parking), 9.03, and 9.04 to construct a mixed-use five story building with 34 residential units and 1,050 square feet of commercial space. Located in the “CB” (Central Business) Zoning District. ZBA-2019-32

Earlier Event: December 18
TBA: Board of Health mtg