Public Appreciation event to recognize our achievements over the years and thank our members. This will be a FREE event for all members, non-members, past members, Watertown and Belmont businesses, non-profits and Town representatives.
If you have any questions, please contact Paul Airasian at or (617) 270-3951 or leave a message at the Chamber’s voicemail (617) 926-1017 and we’ll return your call.
The WBCC Board of Directors announced closing effective Jan 1, 2018. They believe members will be better served by being part of a larger Chamber, and encouraged members to join the Newton-Needham Regional Chamber of Commerce. While the WBCC is not merging or affiliating with the NNRC, we have met with its leadership and Board, and can recommend to you the value that they bring to members as a result of their reach, expertise and diversity of membership. The NNRCC is offering WBCC members 50% off their annual membership to join by February 28th; see news article for details.