note: the zoning height request, from Boylston Properties 485 Arsenal St, has been continued to Dec 12th Planning Board. In District B, cases include:
36 Arden Road
Mark and Doreen Dawson, 36 Arden Rd requests the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit Finding in accordance with Watertown Zoning Ordinance §4.06(a) Alterations to Existing Non-Conforming Structures, so as to construct a rear deck, maintaining existing non-conforming northerly side yard setback of 6’, where 10’ is required. S-10 (Single Family) Zoning District. ZBA-2018-26
195 Mt. Auburn Street
Clark Elefteriadis, 456 Belmont St requests the Zoning Board of Appeals grant a Special Permit Finding in accordance with Watertown Zoning Ordinance §4.06(a), Change in Non-Conforming Use, to allow the change from fitness studio to two residential units. T (Two-Family) Zoning District. ZBA-2018-25