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Arsenal Park mtg

  • Town Hall, Louis P. Andrews Conf Rm 149 Main St, 3rd Fl Watertown, MA 02472 (map)

To: Tammy McKenna (Commander's Mansion); Mary-Louise Pallotta McDermott (Conservation Commission); Bob Dirico (DPW Forestry); Peter Centola (Recreation); Mark Blair (athenahealth); Jeffrey Heidelberg (Boylston Properties); Jerry Mee (DPW Superintendent); Chris Hayward (Historical Commission staff); Matt Shuman (DPW Engineer); Dennis Sheehan (DPW Admin & Finance); Gideon Schreiber (Snr Planner); Mike Lahiff (WPS Athletics Dir); Angeline Kounelis (Town Councillor District A); Lisa Feltner (Town Councillor District B)
Cc: Mike Driscoll (Town Manager); Mark Sideris (Council President)

This should be a relatively short meeting, as I primarily want to talk about scheduling and structuring a public meeting on park options, including logistics, and we will review our conversation from the last meeting.  -Steve Magoon

Earlier Event: June 21
free: Summer Solstice celebration
Later Event: June 21
Watertown Historical Society