Discussion following recent meeting w/MBTA:
(1) System-wide bus service planning initiatives, particularly re: MBTA 70/70A routes; (2) Off-Bus Fare Collection at the Harvard Station and other locations, such as the mall and the Watertown yard; (3) Consideration of a rush-hour transit dedicated lane on Main St, and update on the dedicated lane pilot projects in Everett and other localities; (4) Discussion of the MBTA’s Plans for the Watertown yard as a storage and maintenance facility, as well as consideration of upgrading and heating the bus shelter and installation of a Charlie Card recharging kiosk; (5) As discussed in the MassDOT Arsenal Corridor Project: what can be done in Watertown to create a "Bus Rapid Transit" service to the new "West Station" in Allston; (6) Discussion of Bus Prioritization Technology.