(Rescheduled from 2/9 due to snow)
1) Public Hearing - Building 221 located at 485 Arsenal Street (Arsenal Project) To consider the demolition permit application submitted for a one story, former powder storage magazine built around 1900 that was encapsulated in new construction in the 1980’s. Open space area is proposed. BP Watertown Retail LLC, Applicant/OwnerJeff Heidelberg, representative
2) Minutes - January 12, 2017
3) Discussion – 101-103 Morse Street redevelopment – Historical Commission to discuss the proposed redevelopment at subject address in order to issue comments to Planning board and the Zoning Board of Appeals
4) Review - Mass. Historical Commission’s January 20, 2017 letter to Guy Fraser, Director of Preservation and Facilities at Mount Auburn Cemetery regarding Preservation Grants for Veterans Collections, Monument and Memorials Project
5) New Business