Rescheduled from Feb 8 due to snow storm:
Notice is hereby given that the City known as the Town of Watertown will conduct a joint PUBLIC HEARING before the Town Council and Planning Board on a proposed AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE and MAP on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 6:00 PM in the Watertown High School Auditorium, 50 Columbia Street, Watertown, MA 02472.
BP Watertown Retail LLC submitted a petition request for a Zoning Ordinance Amendment and Map Amendment to create a new Zoning District, Regional Mixed Use District (RMUD), and further to amend the Watertown Zoning Ordinance (WZO). The amendments are intended to be in keeping with and implement the recently adopted 2015 Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map, which identifies an area for Regional Mixed Use. This request was reviewed by DCDP Staff and by the Planning Board and now includes amendments of, but may not be limited to:
• Modified Definitions (open space),
• Use Tables (mixed-use, cemeteries, assisted living, new/used vehicles for sale, light industry, heavy industry, and accessory uses) and Use Notes,
• Dimensional Table (change of setbacks, coverage, impervious surface, minimum opens space, height)
• Dimensional Notes (overall length and faced lengths),
• new RMUD Section (intent, purpose, district delineation, dimensional criteria, authority, and procedure) - Creates a new Master Plan process and identifies the Planning Board as the permit granting authority
• Site Plan Review (LEED and Energy Assessments requirements) and Parking, and updates to other sections as appropriate.
• Consider amendment to the affordable housing requirements for this new zoning district
Further, the request will consider amending the Watertown Zoning Map by establishing the Regional Mixed Use District. The expanded area being considered for the RMUD includes a substantial portion of the existing I-1 Zoning District and a portion of the I-3 Zoning District (along Coolidge Avenue) as identified on the Future Land Use Map of the adopted 2015 Comprehensive Plan and the proposed RMUD Zoning Map Amendment.
The Amendment language and map are available for review in the office and on the website of the Department of Community Development and Planning.
Published in Watertown TAB: February 12, 2016 & February 19, 2016
Posted: February 12, 2016